Tom Ducker

Team Lead
Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Unit
State Threat Assessment Center (STAC), Homeland Security Division (HSD)
California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES)

Tom Ducker leads the California State Threat Assessment Center’s (STAC) Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Unit at the Governor’s Office of Emergency Service’s (Cal OES) Homeland Security Division. Tom’s responsibilities include oversight of the Cal OES Ports and Harbor Program that places Emergency Services Coordinators in Long Beach and the Bay Area to assist California ports and harbors to prepare for, response to, and recover from disasters. Additional responsibilities for his unit are critical infrastructure risk analysis, conduct of site vulnerability assessments, and information sharing on infrastructure threats and hazards.

Prior to his start with the CIP Unit in 2007, Tom served twenty-three years in U.S. Army intelligence positions working for various agencies in both the signal and human intelligence fields. In addition to his work in the intelligence field, he inspected foreign military facilities as a member of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the On-site Inspection Agency under the provisions of several international treaty agreements. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in History from the University of Maryland and a Master’s Degree in Military History from Norwich University.