Carl Walter

Director, Homeland Security Solutions

Carl Walter, Esri’s Director of Homeland Security Solutions, joined Esri in 2010 after 20 years of increasing responsibility in law enforcement and intelligence operations. Shortly after 9/11, Mr. Walter was appointed Director of the Boston Regional Intelligence Center, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security-designated intelligence fusion center. He embraced the new paradigm of intelligence sharing and established a decentralized security node in the Boston Metropolitan Area of Responsibility (AoR). This node was responsible for meeting regional intelligence needs while providing real-time information to help understand the national landscape of terrorist threats and other high-level criminal activities. This involved establishing effective information sharing with the U.S. national security community and enhancing collaborative efforts to protect the nation.

On special assignment, Mr. Walter represented the Boston Police as the Planning Section Chief for the Democratic National Convention in Boston in 2004. He also served as the Intelligence and Analysis Bureau Director for the Boston Police Department. He currently leads Esri’s engagement strategies, focusing on applying analytical solutions to support operations in corporate, homeland, and national security markets worldwide.

Mr. Walter holds an M.S. in Criminal Justice Management from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and a B.S. in Criminal Justice from East Carolina University.